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Bean seeds are easy to grow and so flavorful, that they are a garden favorite. Gurney's carries a wide selection of bean seed including several varieties of bush green bean seeds, pole beans, wax beans and lima beans. For pole bean varieties, provide support such as a trellis or fence--or plant them with corn and let the bean vines climb up the corn stalks. Sow bean seeds after danger of frost has passed.

  • How to plant green bean seeds?
  • Green bean seeds can be planted at any time after the final frost date for your region. Green beans perform best in full sun and slightly acidic-neutral soils (pH 6.0-7.0). Green beans have fragile roots, so it's best to directly sow them outdoors.
    Plant the seeds at a depth of 1 inch. If you are planting pole bean seeds, make sure to set up supports such as stakes and trellises before sowing. Sow 2-3 seeds around each support. Water regularly, ensuring the soil remains moist, yet never wet.
  • How to plant bean seeds?
  • Non-green bean seeds such as Lima bean seeds can be planted in spring once the threat of frost is over. Much like green beans, these beans, too, relish full sun. Acidic to neutral soils are ideal for their growth.
    Plant bean seeds at a depth of 1-1.5 inches, about 2-4 inches apart in rows. Irrigate regularly during the early growing days, keeping the soil moist at all times.
  • How to save green bean seeds?
  • If you intend to save bean seeds, collect all dried up bean pods from the plant. These have a papery texture, and you can actually hear the seeds clattering inside when you shake the pods. Lay the pods in a tray and place it in a dry, shaded indoor spot with good ventilation. Leave them to dry out for at least 2 weeks.
    To save bean seeds, shell them out from the pods and keep them in a sealed container. Place the container in the freezer for 7-10 days. This will kill off any weevil eggs that might have escaped notice.
    Next, move them to a dark, cold location for storage. Follow these guidelines and your bean seeds can keep well for up to 4 years in storage.