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Pollinator & Rootstock Chart
Variety Pollinated by:
4-in-1 Apple Self
Arkansas Black Granny Smith, Golden Delicious
Braeburn Liberty, McIntosh, Fuji, Gala, Whitney crab
Fameuse (Snow Apple) Granny Smith, Liberty, Sweet Sixteen
Florina Enterprise, Goldrush, Sundance, Pixie Crunch, Pristine
Fuji Most crabs, Liberty, Gold Rush, McIntosh, Red Delicious
Gala Liberty, Fuji, Goldrush, most crabs, self
Ginger Gold Red Delicious
Golden Delicious Self, but better with other apples such as Gala or Pristine
Goldrush Liberty, Fuji, Gala, Enterprise, Sundance, Pixie Crunch
Granny Smith Most all crab apples, Liberty and Red Delicious
Hewes Crabapple Whitney, Granny Smith and most other crabs
Honey Crisp Sweet Sixteen is ideal, Nova Spy, Golden Delicious, Gold Rush, Gala
Jonagold Fuji, Northern Spy, Red Delicious
Liberty McIntosh, GoldRush, Sundance, Pixie Crunch
Macoun Pink Lady, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, Red Delicious, Sweet Sixteen, Crabapples
McIntosh Red Gala, GoldRush, Liberty, Pixie Crunch, Sundance
Nova Spy Liberty, GoldRush, McIntosh, Jonathan, Sweet 16
Pixie Crunch Sundance, GoldRush, Liberty, Gala, Golden Delicious, Red Del
Pristine Most crabs, GoldRush, McIntosh, Gala, Enterprise, Pixie Crunch
Red Delicious McIntosh, GoldRush, Liberty, most crabs
Red Rome Self-Pollinating
Red-Luscious™ GoldRush, Sundance, Gala, Golden Delicious, Pristine, Zestar!, and most crab apples
Stayman Winesap McIntosh, GoldRush, Fuji, Gala, Cortland, Pristine
Sundance Liberty, Pixie Crunch, Nova Spy, Golden Delicious, GoldRush
Sweet Sixteen Golden Delicious, Honey Crisp, Gala, Nova Spy
Whitney crabapple Golden Delicious, most crabs
Yellow Newtown Self-Pollinating
Yellow Transparent Liberty, McIntosh, Pixie Crunch
Ambrosia Bartlett, Crisp 'n Sweet, Honeysweet
Bartlett Ambrosia, Honeysweet
Bosc Ambrosia, Bartlett
Chojuro Asian Pear Crisp 'n Sweet, Olympic, Ornamental pear- i.e Bradford, Cleveland
Crisp n' Sweet (Green Jade cv) Olympic Giant, Honeysweet
Drippin' Honey Olympic Giant, Chojuro, Ornamental pear- i.e Bradford, Cleveland
Honeysweet Self
Kiefer Self
Magness Seckel, Honeysweet, Olympic Giant, Crisp 'n Sweet
Maxine Moonglow, other European pears
Moonglow Seckel, Bartlett, Kiefer
Olympic Giant Honeysweet, Bartlett, Ornamental pear- i.e Bradford, Cleveland
Seckel Self
Mericrest Self
Rose Princess Self
Sunglo Self
Yumm Yumm Self
Goldcot Self
Harlayne Self
Manchurian Bush Self- two or more trees improve yield
Sugar Pearls Use Harlayne, Jerseycot or any other late blooming apricot.Sugar Pearls is not self fertile.
Belle of Georgia Self
Blushing Star Self
Contender Self
Elberta Self
Encore Self
Flat Wonderful! Self
Garnet Beauty Self
Nectar Self
Red Haven Self
Reliance Self
TruGold Self
White Diamond Self
Alderman Waneta, Superior
Black Ruby Another Japanese Plum
Blue Damson Self
Hybrid Oka Waneta, Superior
Hybrid Superior Oka, Waneta, Alderman
Hybrid Waneta Oka, Superior, Alderman
Ruby Sweet Another Japanese Plum
Santa Rosa Burbank, Shiro
Shiro Plum Burbank, Santa Rosa
Spring Satun Plumcot Another Japanese Plum
Stanley Self
Superior Alderman, wild plum
American Persimmon Plant two or more trees for good pollination
Caramel Cocktail Sugar Daddy
Sugar Daddy Self
3-in-1 Self
Bing Black Tartarian, Stella, Lapins
Black Tartarian Sweet Heart, Stella, Lapins
Golden Sweet Stella, Lapins
Kristin Stella, Lapins
Lapins Self
Arctic Beauty Requires male pollinator
Meteor Self
Montmorency Self
North Star Self
Rainer Lapins, Stella, Royal Ann
Royal Ann Lapins, Stella
Stella Self
Surefire Self
Sweet Heart Self
Nanking Bush Self
Hansen's Bush Self
Carmine Jewel Self
Arctic Beauty Requires male pollinator
Hardy Kiwi Requires male pollinator
Issai Self, but will set more fruit with a male pollinator
Nut Trees
Black Walnut Plant two or more Walnut trees for good pollination
Butternut Plant two or more Butternut trees for good pollination
Chinese Chestnut Plant two or more Chestnut trees for good pollination
Hall's Hardy Almond Self
Hardy English Walnut Plant two or more English Walnut trees for good pollination
Hardy Pecan Plant two or more Pecan trees for good pollination
Hazelnut Plant two or more Hazelnut trees for good pollination
Shellbark Hickory Plant two or more Hickory trees for good pollination
Grapes Self
America Self
Cayuga Self
Concord Self
Concord Seedless Self
Cowart Muscadine Self
Cynthiana Self
Mars Seedless Self
Red Seedless Candace Self
Reliance Pink Seedless Self
Stuben Self
Valiant Self
Bluecrop Self but better crops result if pollinated by other blueberry varieties
Brunswick Self but better crops result if pollinated by other blueberry varieties
Dwarf Northblue Self but better crops result if pollinated by other blueberry varieties
Dwarf Northsky Self but better crops result if pollinated by other blueberry varieties
Dwarf Tophat Self but better crops result if pollinated by other blueberry varieties
Elizabeth Self but better crops result if pollinated by other blueberry varieties
Hybrid Blue Jay Self but better crops result if pollinated by other blueberry varieties
Hybrid Patriot Self but better crops result if pollinated by other blueberry varieties
Ka-Bluey Self but better crops result if pollinated by other blueberry varieties
Northland Self but better crops result if pollinated by other blueberry varieties
Ozarkblue Self but better crops result if pollinated by other blueberry varieties
Rubel Self but better crops result if pollinated by other blueberry varieties
Spartan Self but better crops result if pollinated by other blueberry varieties
Sunshine Blue Self but better crops result if pollinated by other blueberry varieties
Anne Self but better crops result if pollinated by other raspberry varieties
Bababerry Self but better crops result if pollinated by other raspberry varieties
Canby Self
Caroline Self
Heritage Self
Hilton Red Self
Latham Self
Mammoth Red Self
Prelude Self
Reveille Self
Royalty Self
Black Raspberries Self
Blackberries Self
Strawberries Self
Ornamental Crabs
Hopa Crabapple Self or other crab
Pink Spires crabapple Any other crab
Prairiefire Crabapple Self or other crab
Radiant crabapple Self or other crab
Snowdrift Crabapple Self or other crab
Standard - MM111/Seedling
Dwarf - M9
Li'l Big - M27
Standard - Seedling (either Halford or Lovell)
Semi-dwarf - Redleaf Peach
Sweet - Mazzard
Tart (or Pie Cherry) - Mahaleb
Standard - Seedling
Dwarf - OH 513
Budded on Dr. Huey root stock.
Dwarf - OH 513



Our dwarf citrus trees lemon, lime, fig, and orange are not grafted. We produce these plants from cuttings; therefore, they are on their own roots.