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Your Garden Zone:

Columbus, Ohio 43215 I’m gardening elsewhere

Shield-All Plus™ Pest & Disease Control

Protects Against Pests and Disease

Regular price 16 Oz Bottle for $49.99
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Ships Year-round
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Shield-All Plus™ Pest & Disease Control
Shield-All Plus™ Pest & Disease Control
Regular price 1 for $49.99
Unit price
SKU: 64413

This Item Ships Year-round

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Product Description

  • Kills eggs, larvae and adult stage insects and mites
  • Controls fungal disease, including powdery mildew
  • For use on fruit, vegetable and ornamental plants
  • Can be used up to day of harvest
  • For organic gardening
Protect your plants with this broad-spectrum insecticide, fungicide and miticide. For use on fruits, nuts, herbs, roses, flowers, grass and shrubs, Shield-All Plus targets and kills eggs, larvae and adult stage insects and mites. It controls aphids, spider mites, scale, mealybugs, whiteflies, beetles, loopers, leafminers, leafrollers, armyworms, webworms, weevils, tent caterpillars, fungus gnats, leafhoppers, cabbageworms, squash bugs, squash vine borer, stink bugs, thrips, tomato hornworm, lace bugs, boxelder bugs, grasshoppers, crickets, ants, earwigs, chinch bugs, and chiggers. It also controls various fungal diseases including powdery mildew, black spot, brown spot, dollar spot, snow mold, downy mildew, anthracnose, rust, leaf spot, botrytis, needle rust, scab and flower, twig and tip blight. Apply every 7-14 days as a preventative--and can be used up to the day of harvest. Mix 2 tablespoons (1 fluid ounce) of concentrate with 1 gallon of water. Makes 16 gallons.

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Your Garden Zone:

Columbus, Ohio 43215 I’m gardening elsewhere

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