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Did you receive a special offer/discount not reflected in your shopping cart?
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Did you receive a special offer or discount not reflected in your shopping cart?

If you received a special offer or discount that isn't reflected in your Shopping Cart, please enter the Account and/or Key number you received with the special offer and click UPDATE TOTALS. Your special offer will then show in the Shopping Cart.

Note: Each coupon, discount and special e-mail promotion is an exclusive offer and cannot be combined with any other offer.

Change Quantities

To change the quantity of any item in your Shopping cart, place the new quantity in the box to the right of the unit price and click the UPDATE TOTALS button below the order total.

Delete Items

To delete an item from your Shopping Cart, click on the Remove button to the far right of the item you want to delete.

Continue Shopping

To continue shopping, click on the Keep Shopping button.

Proceed to Checkout

When you have all of the items you want to order in your Shopping Cart, click on the Checkout button.

Have another question? Return to the Customer Service Help page or send an e-mail directly to Customer Service
