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Gurney's<sup>®</sup> Goliath Spinach, RazzMatazz<sup>®</sup> and Gurney's California Softneck Garlic Sauce



  1. In a large sauté pan, on medium high heat, add olive oil, sliced garlic and grapes.
  2. Sauté mixture for 3 minutes. Add the spinach and cover.
  3. Every minute until spinach is wilted, uncover and stir to combine ingredients. Add lemon juice (or white wine vinegar) as spinach is wilting.
  4. When wilted to desired consistency, remove from heat, add salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Using a slotted spoon, transfer to serving dish. Enjoy.

Chef Notes: Spinach produces excess water when cooked down. Using a slotted spoon for service avoids a pool of juice on the serving plate.
