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Strawberry Plants

Gurney's strawberry plants are the perfect addition to your garden. Browse our selection of everbearing, junebearing, and other varieties for delicious strawberries.

How to Grow Strawberries

How to Choose Strawberry Plants

Strawberry plants require full sun (6 or more hours of direct sunlight daily) and well-drained soil. Also, note your grow zone. Some strawberry varieties are more suitable for warmer climates, while others are very cold hardy. You'll want to buy strawberry plants that are suitable for your grow zone. Before buying your strawberry plants, use our zone finder to check out all of our information and recommendations before planting.

Strawberry plants are typically grown in gardens, while others are incorporated into perennial flower beds. Strawberry seeds can also be grown in raised beds, barrels, our Strawberry Tiered Planter, or Grow Tub Strawberry Tower. The varieties of strawberry plants you choose to grow is a matter of preference and your space requirements.

Types of Strawberry Plants

There are 3 types of strawberry plants:

Junebearing Strawberry Plants

Junebearing strawberries produce a large crop in late May or June. If you want a lot of strawberries at once, select these. June-bearing strawberries also require the most room because they have the most runners.

Everbearing Strawberry Plants

Everbearing strawberries usually produce two or three crops beginning in early summer. Their yields are generally not as large as Junebearing types. They don't produce as many runners, which make them more suitable for container gardening or smaller spaces.

Day Neutral Strawberry Plants

Day neutral strawberries produce fruit throughout the growing season. They're favorites for gardeners who enjoy nibbling on strawberries throughout the summer--and they're also suitable for container gardening and smaller spaces.

Strawberry Plants: Getting the Most out of Your Purchase

Strawberries are usually planted in the spring. Most gardeners buy bareroot strawberries or potted strawberry plants.

Getting Started with Strawberry Plants

Strawberry plants can be planted in the springtime once the ground can be worked. Most gardeners buy bareroot strawberries or potted strawberry plants. Set the plants, so the crown is at the soil level when planting strawberries. If growing Junebearing strawberries, remove the blossoms the first year after planting. This allows the plant's energies to go into root and plant development. If growing everbearing or day neutral varieties, remove the blossoms during the first flush or until the end of June during the first year after planting.

How to Prune Strawberry Plants

Unlike many other fruit plants, strawberry plants do not require heavy pruning. Some gardeners will lightly prune or trim runners in late summer.

How to Fertilize Strawberry Plants

Strawberry plants are heavy feeders, and we recommend Gurney's Strawberry Food. This slow-release, all-natural fertilizer provides strawberry plants the nitrogen and nutrients they need. Scratch fertilizer into the soil at planting time, and then fertilize strawberry plants in the spring and late summer.

How to Winterize Strawberry Plants

In the fall, mulch the strawberry plants with 2-6 inches of straw. Gardeners in northern climates should use a thicker mulch than gardeners in southern regions. Remove some of the mulch in the spring when growth starts to appear. Leaving some straw helps retain moisture, reduce weeds and keep the berries clean.

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